Hi, I am really glad that I found this very useful forum.
I am a 23 years old wife and 3 months pregnant. My husbands family does have some members who have thalassemia trait, but my husband does not. I did some blood tests and want to know if I am a thalassemia carrier.
My Blood test results came as below :-
CBC blood test results:
WBC: 7.7
RBC: 4.66
Hb count: 11.9
Hematocrit: 36.5
MCV: 78
MCH: 25.6
MCHC: 32.7
RDW: 14.4
Hb-Electropherisis :-
Hgb Solubility: Negative
Hgb A: 97.7
Hgb S: 0.0
Hgb C: 0.0
Hgb A2: 2.3
Hgb F: 0.0
I am not sure to interpret the results, the Hb-Electropherisis seem to be OK, but my MCV is low, and has always been this level. Am I a thalassemia trait carrier?