I am pregnant with my 3rd child. I have thal minor and every time I get pregnant I feel awful!! My worst symptom is shortness of breath which starts around week 6 and continues throughout my pregnancy. The hardest part is the first trimester, I have no energy, SOB upon any exertion, nasal stuffiness, and occasional heart palpitations. I also get very light headed when standing. Pregnancy is very hard on me and my Hgb usually is about 8 the entire time. My doctors never really address it and just give me iron, which I know not to take. I always wanted 3 children, and it took me 4 years to come up with the courage to do it one more time!!! I had hoped that somehow I would feel different this time, but I don't. All of my symptoms have appeared in full force. I am currently 9 weeks and I feel like I have the flu everyday! Another new symptom this pregnancy is I am always cold, I am attributing that to anemia. I go for my first blood test next week.