Hi Andy,
I've been told that because my average hemoglobin is 8, they will transfuse when I go below 7. My body has stopped respondiing to the iron therapy within the last year;I used to stay at 10-12 with oral iron and twice yearly intravenous iron. (I was tested for alpha thal just this past spring after 7+ years of iron. I stopped taking it since i didn't know what effect it would have.)
I've asked for liver tests, and I've had extensive tests to find internal blood loss; no luck. With the cold and flu season coming, I'm anticipating being in the hospital a lot. My immune system is very sensitive to every germ.
Right now I'm waiting for an appointment with my current doctor to talk about more DNA testing, scheduling regular blood transfusions, and a new bone marrow test. I'm not sure there's much else I can do.
It's just so wierd!