girl4papa - I do understand your frustration, but Alpha Thal is very complex. Diagnosis of Alpha Thal (Trait) should be more involved. I hate to hear doctor's unable to detect it and say you don't have alpha thal trait.
Was DNA testing done to rule our you and your husband are NOT carrier's of alpha thalassemia? DNA testing is the only way to get a clear picture of what is going on. Does the perinatologist have knowledge about thalassemia? Especially, Alpha Thalassemia and that DNA testing is required of the parents?
Review the chart at and look at the 2nd page (last option).
Knowing before hand and planning the pregnancy is very important. Getting the results of the testing of both of you are very important and the 1st step towards getting a clearer picture. Do come back and update us with what you find or if you have more questions. We might be able to share what we know.