Italian government STOPS funding the BMT unit of Prof. Lucarelli and Dr. Sodani

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Offline EugenioLaMesa

  • Cure Thalassemia co-founder and chairman
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    • Cure Thalassemia - Life without Thalassemia major No more transfusions
IMPORTANT to the worldwide THALASSEMIA community: the Italian government has decided to STOP funding the BMT unit at IME (Mediterranean Institute of Hematology) led by Prof. Lucarelli and Dr. Sodani, the greatest experts in the world for BMT in thalassemia.
Here a letter of Dr. Sodani to the Italian Prime Minister and the Minster of Health: "Continue clinical activity outside IME"

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Eugenio La Mesa
Co-founder and Chairman
Cure Thalassemia
Live without Thalassemia major - No more transfusions
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